A cat looks for a giant leaf every morning to give to her owner

A cat looks for a giant leaf every morning to give to her owner

Ben is clearly adored by the cat, Baloo, but she doesn’t appear to think much of him as a hunter. As a loyal little house panther, she started conducting the hunts for him.

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The loving cat had developed a habit of catching animals in their backyard as a thank-you and surprising Ben with them in bed each morning. Baloo would typically bring in little birds and smaller mice. The cat appeared to have the ability to grab them and carry them without harming them.

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Ben said that when he would wake up, she would be on his chest, meowing and holding something in her mouth before dropping it on my face or chest. I’m not sure if she thought I would think it was just a gift or breakfast.

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Due to the fact that Baloo’s “gifts” were always still very much alive, Ben would then have to trap them and release them back outside. It’s fair to say that Baloo’s uninvited generosity was something that everyone had to live with.

Baloo was surprised at how unhappy Ben seemed to be of her laboriously won gifts. Ben said, “She always seemed so lost and lonely, which made me feel really horrible.” Baloo eventually understood that her master might not have wanted animals from the backyard.

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But rather than completely stop looking for things for Ben, she just changed the gifts she was giving. Maybe a leaf would suit him better if he doesn’t like mice and birds? And, indeed, it was.

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After I rejected her gifts for a few months, she began giving me leaves. They were always gorgeous, huge leaves, ” Ben added. It was such a relief not to have to deal with live mice every morning that I would take the leaf and play with it as she sat on my chest as a token of my gratitude.

Baloo knew what was going on. As a result, the cat would find a lovely leaf every morning and bring it to Ben: She was aware that she was acting at this very moment.

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Baloo would often surprise Ben in the morning with a twig instead of a leaf to mix things up. There’s no doubt that all the backyard animals Baloo used to chase were pleased to see Baloo’s change of heart as well as Ben. Ben commented, “Thinking of her on a tiny mission to find a gift for her human each morning warms my heart.

Baloo seems to have lately made the decision to leave her hunting ways behind her and go for a lazier cat type of lifestyle after their move to a less hunt-friendly home. She now shows her appreciation by giving plenty of cuddles rather than giving gifts of plants or animals.

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And Ben is more than happy with that. Ben said, “She’ll cheer me up when I’m down.” She is by no means a lap cat, but when I’m angry or worried, she will jump up onto me, push me back so I lie down, and then she will just sit on my chest while purring loudly and snuggling my face with her nose. She is a very loving and caring cat.

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