Cat See Rain For The First Time And Goes Crazy

Cat See Rain For The First Time And Goes Crazy

Morgan Smith adopted Betty the cat from a local vet clinic six months ago. Betty is still learning about her new home, so she usually remains at home to play with family members and enjoy her happy life. Despite being an indoor cat, she enjoys looking out her windows at the world.

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As a result, Morgan enjoys taking her outside and lets her play. Morgan, of course, maintains an eye on Betty to assure that she is safe when exploring the outer world.

Betty was looking out the window recently when it began to rain. She had never seen rain before, so she was taken aback and couldn’t hide her feelings.

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“I could see her looking out the screen door in wonder,” Betty’s mother, Morgan Smith, told The Dodo. As a result, Smith decided to take Betty outside and let her experience the rain for herself. Nobody could have imagined her excitement. She was stunned by the rain pouring from the sky and eagerly tried to catch it.

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Smith then took Betty inside, but it didn’t stop her from collecting the rain. “When I brought her back inside, she raced right to the door to catch the rain,” Smith explained. Betty, thankfully, cooled down and went about her way.

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Her family, on the other hand, can’t wait to see what happens the next time it rains. We can’t stop sharing this video because we love her wonderful reaction. If you enjoy this movie, please forward it to your friends and family!


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