Special Rescue Cat Has A Spider-Like Appearance

Special Rescue Cat Has A Spider-Like Appearance

Aries’ mother, a three-legged feral cat, was found pregnant and trapped in a trap, leading to the birth of Aries and his siblings at a local shelter. Since the shelter’s heating system was insufficient and it was quite chilly when the kittens were born, they went to nearby rescue organizations in the hopes that someone would be able to take the small family in.

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Due to her feral nature, the mother was already quite stressed out in the shelter, and the staff was worried that if she wasn’t moved to a warmer, more calm location, she might not be able to care for her young.

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Luckily, Tracy Pitisci, a passionate foster parent, learned about Aries and his family and chose to foster them via a nearby rescue organisation called Ana’s Angels. Only a few hours after the litter was born, the mother cat, later named Diana, and her kittens made their way to the Pitisci family’s Jacksonville, Florida, house.

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Because Diana was so concerned, they hadn’t breastfed much so Pitisci noticed something strange about Aries while she was settling everyone.

Pitisci stated to The Dodo, “We checked the kittens and that is when we noticed Aries’ legs.” They pressed firmly into his tummy, fully bent. The joints were clearly not facing in the proper direction. We had faith in his ability despite the fact that we knew he would face a difficult journey.

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Diana started to calm down and began to feed and tend to her kittens once they were all put into a quiet space. When it appeared that all of the kittens would be OK, everyone was very pleased. The foster family then turned their attention to Aries and what could be done about his bent legs.

While his siblings were beginning to walk, Aries appeared to be toddling rather than walking, according to Pitisci. “Unlike his brothers, Aries even had trouble climbing out of his playpen,” she added. “ A veterinarian told us to tie his back legs together with medical tape and gauge. We had hoped that it might help him strengthen his gluteus muscles because it did seem to keep his legs from splaying out.

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Aries’ legs continued to change as he matured. And when combined with his black colour, they nearly give him the appearance of a cute little spider. Despite their differences, his foster family loves him dearly and has supported him in overcoming every hurdle that has come his way.

Pitisci and her family made the decision to adopt Aries even after all of his siblings had been adopted out because they wanted to be his eternal guardians despite the fact that they were aware that he would always be different.

We were always going to go out of our way to make sure Aries had what he needed because we knew how much we loved him, Pitisci added. Then we understood that we were already his forever family. Our family has experienced much happiness as a result of adopting Aries.

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The family decided to adopt Diana as well after getting to know her and earning her confidence, thereby increasing their group to include two special needs cats. Aries has had to overcome many obstacles as he’s grown, like learning to walk and dealing with his twisted legs, but with the support of his family, he doesn’t seem to be aware that he’s unique from other cats. Aries can’t jump and his walking is at best uneven, but he always offers everything he has, and he hasn’t yet seen a task he won’t attempt.

People are usually surprised at how lovely Aries is and adore taking pictures with him and showing him plenty of love and attention whenever they see him out and about. Aries’ family is always glad that they decided to take a chance on him because he has grown to serve as something of an ambassador for cats with special needs. Pitisci stated, “There isn’t a day that goes by that my husband and I aren’t grateful that we responded to the shelter’s call for us to take them. He has changed our way of life.”

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