Man Finds a Cat in His Garage, but He does not own it

Man Finds a Cat in His Garage, but He does not own it

Photographer Steve Hamel had received an unexpected guest when he was working on his car in his garage. A ginger cat with white paws leaped up onto the Jeep as if to provide help.

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The cat was Steve’s first meeting, and he found her to be quite lovely, especially when she climbed up onto his shoulders for a cuddle.

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She appeared to be quite at home as she looked around Steve’s garage, in fact, she quickly cuddled for a nap in his toolbox.

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Since Kitty wasn’t wearing a collar and there was no sign of a microchip, Steve has grown very attached to his surprise guest and was planning to adopt her if her family couldn’t be found.

His daughter had given the nice cat the name Sally, and the entire family fell in love with her. They even bought cat supplies and a name tag for her.

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In order to check whether anyone recognised her, Steve decided to post a photo of her on the local Facebook page. A few days later, a family got in touch. “The owners were located.” These beautiful people get to see their pet cat again. They lived just around the corner from us, and they had many of adorable pictures of their daughter playing with the cat “He provided details in the Facebook post.”

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The family was pleased to have reunited Sally with her family, but they were also heartbroken even though they knew they had made the correct decision.

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Steve came to the realization that their only option at this point was to look for a cat of their own. They had actually been left with a heart-shaped hole by little ginger Sally. “Although we wanted a tabby, this one won our hearts. Black cats are less likely to be adopted than other cats, although she is very friendly. This is Sally 2.0 because we already created a Sally tag.”

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Sally 2.0 easily accepted and started to feel like a part of this loving family. Steve had no idea that the surprising visit he received that day in the garage would result in such joy.

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