Cat with One Eye Rescued with Her Blind Sister, Who Depends on Her

Cat with One Eye Rescued with Her Blind Sister, Who Depends on Her

Here is a touching story about two sister cats who rely on one another in a very unique and unusual way. These poor infants are dependent on their blind sibling, who also has one eye.

This is Lola and Lucy!

Cat with One Eye Rescued with Her Blind Sister 1

These two sisters entered a small Boise, Idaho-based rescue organization called Happy Jack Rescue in the beginning of January. When no one else would, Happy Jack took them in and accepted them. They became aware of the amazingly strong bond the two have for one another there. Additionally, they received the essential medical care they required there.

A number of rescues across the US were called in an effort to find someone who could help the bonded pair because this little rescue group was sadly unable to cover all of the girls’ medical needs.

Except for Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue, or SPCR, which is based in Kenosha, Wisconsin, not a single rescue replied to their email, which was terribly disappointing. The creator and director, Kirsten Kranz, said that she would be glad to assist but that they first needed to arrange for the 1,600-mile transport of the two cat sisters!

Sue Lentz of SPCR told Love Meow, “Well, we have a volunteer flight attendant who spends her few days off flying across the United States to get cats into our rescue, should we get a cry for help.”

“Due to Lola’s damaged eye, Happy Jack Rescue brought the two girls to a nearby veterinarian to make sure they could fly. They did actually fly, landing at O’Hare. They were transported to their WI foster home by transporters.”

Cat with One Eye Rescued with Her Blind Sister 2

Lucy is the bigger sister and the only one of the three who is totally blind. Although Lola is the smaller of the two, she is in command because she is the only one with a working eye.

The two girls were just two years old and weighed around two pounds each. The first thing to do was to get them a little “juiced” up. Lentz told Love Meow, “They were pitifully skinny.

Lentz fed them watered-down soft food since their severe underbites prevented them from chewing food regularly.

Cat with One Eye Rescued with Her Blind Sister 3

“They kind of shovel it into their mouths with their tongues,” the author says.

The two suddenly doubled in weight in just two months.

Lucy is now 4.9 pounds and Lola is 4.6 pounds.

Despite Lola’s poor vision, Lucy relies on her to lead and direct her. Because of their closeness and mutual trust, she never leaves her side, even when they are in strange places, Lentz told Love Meow.

“Even though sometimes the appointments last all day, when Lola has eye appointments, Lucy won’t use her cat bed and waits to eat until Lola gets home.”

Cat with One Eye Rescued with Her Blind Sister 4

Even with constant care, many drops, and ointments applied every two hours, Lola’s eye ruptured and had to be removed. Despite this terrible blow, Lola and Lucy’s lovely foster parents are doing everything they can to ensure that they come out of this feeling secure, safe, and loved.

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It will be interesting to see how the pair’s relationships change now that neither of them has sight. They are a truly extraordinary pair of sisters who have suffered a great deal of suffering yet never give up because they are confident in one another.

Credit: Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue

By: Lovemeow

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