When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten, the jealous cat shows a frustrated face

When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten, the jealous cat shows a frustrated face

At the University of Florida, Madison Ellis is a junior studying to become a veterinarian. She is presently caring for eight cats, five dogs, and a pig, most of which are rescues, because she has an obsession with animals. She takes care of all the animals by herself, with a little help from her mother, who she lives with.

When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten the jealous cat shows a frustrated face 1

Cinderella, or Ella for short, a 2-month-old kitten, is the newest member of the family. When Madison nearly ran over this kitten one night on a dark road, she saved her.

When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten the jealous cat shows a frustrated face 2

Ella is a cute little cat, and Madison says that she has no fears. She frequently teases the other cats, who are probably three times her size, and enjoys chasing the dogs around the home.

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Madison gives Ella her special kitten food in a different area of the house from the other animals because she is still so young.

When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten the jealous cat shows a frustrated face 3


When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten the jealous cat shows a frustrated face 4

When a cat with lost kittens meets an abandoned kitten she cries

She recalls Jesus, another of her cats, as being quite clingy. Jesus is a really loving cat that enjoys being carried around the house as I cook and clean, and Madison rescued him after finding him beneath her house.

When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten the jealous cat shows a frustrated face 5

Madison feeds the other cats in the bathtub because she has so many pets and doesn’t want the dogs to get to their food. Ella jumped up into the bath by herself because she felt left out and wanted to take part. Jesus was jealous, so Rebecca only managed to capture a photo of a very angry cat.

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When the owner takes pictures of the new kitten the jealous cat shows a frustrated face 6

Madison chose to tweet the picture since she found it to be hilarious. People completely fell in love with the jealous kitty, which is why it became quite popular online.

“There is never a bad time to take pictures of your pets, she said, if you own pets.” I suppose you could say that this is the animal form of a jealous elder sister of the newborn!


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