This Cat’s Fur was in poor condition, but beneath it, an Angel was hiding! Douglas County Animal Care and Services is used to receiving calls about abandoned animals. However, they recently received a heartbreaking phone call. Liz Begovich, an organisation supervisor, found a pet carrier with a sick cat inside
Read MoreCat Finds a Stray Kitten and Tries to convince the Family to Adopt Him
Cat Finds a Stray Kitten and Tries to convince the Family to Adopt Him Klarieke already had three cats in her family, she adored them all, but she had always kept that three was enough and that there was plenty of fluff to go around. Then Charlie appeared! Klarieke lives in
Read MoreA woman jogger saves a tiny newborn kitten who falls from the sky
A woman jogger saves a tiny newborn kitten who falls from the sky Have you ever have seen an animal fall dramatically from the sky? Fish, lizards, and even ants have fallen from the sky in severe weather conditions known as “animal rain,” but never a newborn kitten! This, however,
Read MoreBazooka, the Obese Cat Whose Life Was Changed When He Met A Marathon Runner
Bazooka, the Obese Cat Whose Life Was Changed When He Met A Marathon Runner A cute, tabby fat cat named ‘Bazooka’ is the talk of an animal shelter due to its massive thickness. The cat, which weighs about 36 pounds, was given up to the shelter after its previous owner
Read MoreChubby cat enters Tesco to snatch some snacks and take a sleep
Chubby cat enters Tesco to snatch some snacks and take a sleep A chubby cat gets what it wants, as everyone who has ever had one can confirm. The cat you see in the pictures needed biscuits, so he walked out on his own to obtain them. The stunning white
Read MoreA cat trapped in a pet carrier was found abandoned in a ditch
A cat trapped in a pet carrier was found abandoned in a ditch One day while walking her dogs, a woman noticed something strange at the bottom of a ditch. On closer inspection, it appeared to be a pet carrier, and as she approached, she found it contained a ginger
Read MoreA stray kitten walked into the family garden and decided to leave the streets
A stray kitten walked into the family garden and decided to leave the streets This story begins when a woman in Montréal, Canada, noticed a tiny tabby kitten wandering around her garden by herself. Meet Alixe ! The woman looked around but saw no other kittens or a mother cat, but
Read MoreAdopted Poor Kitten After being separated from his sister cried all night
Adopted Poor Kitten After being separated from his sister cried all night Ares and Aphrodite arrived as strays at the Wisconsin Humane Society just before New Year’s Eve. Alana Hadley went to the shelter a few weeks into January, fell in love with Ares, and decided to adopt him. Alana was interested
Read MoreWithout a mother this cat would have died next to a fence alone but look at him now!
Without a mother this cat would have died next to a fence alone but look at him now! Kittens need a week to ten days after birth to fully open up their days, as you are probably already aware. For weeks thereafter, they struggle with their vision, which is entirely
Read MoreA pregnant stray cat leaps a family’s screen door in search of food
A pregnant stray cat leaps a family’s screen door in search of food On one day, Finn noticed movement in her yard. It was a tiny cat that had somehow found its way in and, I suppose, liked the way it looked. Living in a rural area, Finn and her
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